Obsidian% Route - by SillyGoose
Obsidian% Route - by SillyGoose
Mis à jour 7 years ago par SillyGoose

Following Rueake's Any% route. Here is my Route for gathering all 100 Obsidian's along the way. For now I just have a list but hopefully I will end up making a route video for this.

  1. Ring of Fire Frozen in block of ice near vines Need Steam Power 1.
  2. Ring of Fire At top of waterfall Need Steam Power 1.
  3. Ring of Fire On rock in water near path to water fountain
  4. Ring of Fire Under ice stairs
  5. Ring of Fire In cave behind fire barrier Need Water Power 1.
  6. Beach On rock by waterfall after claiming Water Power 1
  7. Flower Pods Under control hut near Air Power 1
  8. Flower Pods In cage Lower cage by entering area through secret entrance tube (#11 with pod launch trick)
  9. Flower Pods Under first spotlight generator
  10. Flower Pods Under first vent control
  11. Flower Pods Under central circular platform on high bridge
  12. Tesla Trees At top of climbable wall near waterfall
  13. Frozen Islands In underwater cave by central island
  14. Beach In water near atoll
  15. Town On hill left of Health room
  16. Town Left of entrance to Earth Realm
  17. Main Valley On pillar past first fire barrier Need Electro Shield 3.
  18. Main Valley On island near Ice Island Need Air Power 2.
  19. Main Valley On high ledge in ice cavern with first mine car Need Air Power 3.
  20. Main Valley On slanted rock at bottom of tower
  21. Drill Area Above entrance to temple holding Fire Power 2 Climb right walls to area above fire barrier.
  22. Drill Area In ice block in main area Need Steam Power 2.
  23. Drill Area In dark cave Must activate drill; need Fire Shield 1.
  24. Drill Area In dark cave Must activate drill; need Fire Shield 1.
  25. Main Valley On tube by entrance to grotto
  26. Spotlight Area In water under zip line
  27. Spotlight Area On ledge between spotlights two and three
  28. Spotlight Area Behind fire barrier in lava river Need Air Power 2, Water Power 1.
  29. Volcano Area On island in lava lake to left of entrance.
  30. Battle Platform Near main entrance guarded by four Catalisks
  31. Battle Platform On Battle Platform
  32. Battle Platform On ledge in maze
  33. Battle Platform On rock in lava river near start Need Air Power 2.
  34. Battle Platform On rock in lava river between two valleys Need Air Power 2.
  35. Volcano Area On ledge near chasm by second Silver Teleporter Need Air Power 2.
  36. Volcano Area On ledge above volcanoes Need Air Power 2.
  37. Volcano Area On pipe above volcanoes
  38. Volcano Area At end of zip lines past Life Disk Fragment Need Acid Power 3.
  39. Conveyor Belts In back area with Rock Shard Monsters Drop second claw to ground below.
  40. Conveyor Belts Conveyor belt near third Obsidian Need Air Power 2.
  41. Conveyor Belts Under stairs on way to Earth Power 2
  42. Conveyor Belts Behind pillar near entrance to Earth Guardian
  43. Conveyor Belts On ledge above dark stairs Need Air Power 1.
  44. Town Balthazar's house, first floor
  45. Town Balthazar's house, second floor
  46. Town On third balcony of house near bottom of path leading to fire shrine
  47. Town Townsperson's house
  48. Town Right of entrance to Fire Realm Need Air Power 1.
  49. Guardian's Fortress On ledge above switch that activates air car Jump from stairs leading to Fire Guardian.
  50. Guardian's Fortress On top of fortress gate Use Air Power 3 from platform below where Fire Guardian first appears.
  51. Guardian's Fortress On right wall near entrance Need Air Power 1.
  52. Guardian's Fortress In acid vat near large elevator Need Air Power 1.
  53. Guardian's Fortress On broken wall left of fortress entrance
  54. Beach In dark cave by underwater dome Need Fire Shield 1
  55. Beach Under dock Calm whirlpool by defeating Water Guardian. 56 .Water Slides On air vent near bottom of elevator
  56. Water Slides On hut over water slide Use Air Power 3 from bottom of elevator.
  57. Water Slides On air vent near pool
  58. Water Slides On small ledge at top of highest water slide
  59. Water Slides On left side of top water slide
  60. Air Tubes In niche below Airship dock
  61. Air Tubes On smokestack top Need Air Power 3.
  62. Air Tubes Above huge central fan Fly up in fan before getting Air Power 3.
  63. Air Tubes On smokestack top Need Air Power 3.
  64. Air Tubes On smokestack top Need Air Power 3.
  65. Frozen Islands Frozen in Ice Island on far side of first bridge Need Steam Power 2.
  66. Frozen Islands On Snow Generator to left of first bridge Need Air Power 2.
  67. Frozen Islands Behind ice block on island at end of second ice bridge Need Steam Power 1.
  68. Frozen Islands On Snow Generator by spiral island Need Air Power 3.
  69. Beach On island across from waterspout Need Air Power 3.
  70. Drill Area In green rock in main area Need Acid Power 2.
  71. Spotlight Area Behind green rock to left of entrance.
  72. Spotlight Area On high ledge near entrance Use Air Power 3 from steam vent.
  73. Great Tree On ledge near first pool Need Air Power 3.
  74. Great Tree Under dome at end of first transport tube
  75. Great Tree In pool with zip line near second flower switch
  76. Great Tree Behind dome near entrance to Air Guardian's fortress
  77. Guardian's Fortress In ice block near entrance Need Steam Power 3.
  78. Guardian's Fortress In ice block near entrance Need Steam Power 3.
  79. Guardian's Fortress On floating island near Earth Power 3 Need Air Power 3.
  80. Guardian's Fortress Above green laser island Use Gold Teleporter past fourth Obsidian.
  81. Guardian's Fortress In rock by green key Need Acid Power 3.
  82. Town Under elevator between second and third temple floors Get this Obsidian before taking elevator to third floor.
  83. Town Top balcony of house across from training room
  84. Fire Caverns Inside green rock near entrance to Need Acid Power 3.
  85. Fire Caverns Above doorway in courtyard Use Air Power 3 from first walkway.
  86. Fire Caverns At end of long ramp past Rock Shard Monsters
  87. Fire Caverns On ledge under second key
  88. Fire Caverns In initial caverns From staircase, go down ramp, through short tunnel, and down winding stairs.
  89. Tesla Trees On low ledge to left of entrance Need Air Power 1.
  90. Tesla Trees Behind top of first rising platform guarded by three Fire Elementals
  91. Tesla Trees Above lava fall near entrance Use Air Power 3 from location of second key to reach nearby ledge.
  92. Tesla Trees On ledge to right of path below first steam vent Need Air Power 3.
  93. Great Tree In rock near first flower switch Need Acid Power 3.
  94. Town Behind rock left of Fuel room Need Air Power 3.
  95. Town Sewers, outer ring
  96. Town Sewers, outer ring
  97. Town Sewers, near elevator
  98. Town Sewers, near elevator
  99. Town Sewers, near elevator
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