If you find that my runs looks very similar to the one of Z4r0x it’s normal I’m the brother of Z4r0x is then we do it at the same time (yesterday)
You submitted your run 2 days ago. Common courtesy is to give 2 weeks at the very least, before saying anything.
My run was accepted in 1 hour the moderators are connected all the days they are not even able to accept the run of my little brother
Xeilius and CommanderFoxQ are connected today why not have accepted the run of my little brother
Exactly what Tfresh said; moderators are real people with real lives outside of speedrun.com, so even though we try to verify runs as soon as we can sometimes it will take a week or two if schedules don't line up optimally, and we have to stop verifications at some arbitrary point depending on how much time we have available. Please don't ask for your runs to be verified as we will get to them when we are able to.
I'd also like to add that speedrun.com's ability to keep track of when someone has last came online is not great; I had been off site for a couple of days so was not even online for the days when Z4r0x mentioned me. In addition we have other games we moderate that may have older or higher priority (i.e. world records) runs which we could be focusing on getting through instead, so just being online doesn't necessarily mean we have the time to verify a specific run.