New rule changes for Death%
These are the new rules for Death% previous runs that do not follow these rules will be removed. If I've missed some you may message me the run and I will reject them.
- Timing starts on the frame the game is visible, timing ends upon the chat saying ‘<Player Name> died.’
- Resetting your character is not allowed.
- For restricted and unrestricted runs, you must spawn at the default spawn point of the level.
Apeirophobia: Escape From Reality Update
As everyone might already know, after a long time, Escape From Reality update was released on the 22nd of September!
With it, major changes are coming to leaderboards:
- Level 17 - Left Scarred
- Level 18 - Mall
- Level 19 - Store
- Level 20 - Neighborhood
- Level 21 - Graveyar
Speedruns récents
Niveau: Level 8 - Lights Out
Niveau: Level 0 - Lobby
Niveau: Level 10 - The Abyss