category suggestion
1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA

any% all dungeons you have to complete all the dungeon in the game (including the time trials) and get to the end either glitched or glitchless.

French Southern Territories

sorry for the very late reply, the category that you described is just 100%, except with the rules you specified you technically wouldn't have to get the "???" powerup. that would only save like 5 seconds and the rest of the run would be identical, so it's not worth making a separate category for

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New category separation - glitched and glitchless runs

A wall-jump glitch has been found by @EdgarFigaro . This glitch has potential to cut seconds up to minutes from a normal run, so I decided to separate it into a new subcategory that allows or disallow glitches.

For example, after obtaining the Stasis ability, you can just go left, wall-jump and r

3 years ago
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Publié 12 days ago
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Publié 4 years ago
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Publié 4 years ago
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