Publié 4 months ago par

The 6 sets of Pill Bugs levels have been added to the Levels leaderboard, separated by each page in the level selection screen. Currently, the sections are called "pages," but any naming suggestions that would fit better are appreciated.

Additionally, all level categories now have their own subcategories (e.g., difficulty, performance requirements) instead of the universal Any% and 3Paws distinction, which didn't always fit each category appropriately.

At this time, all previously submitted runs have been moved to their appropriate categories and subcategories, leaving none "orphaned", as calls it.

More individual levels may be added in the future, so keep an eye out if you're interested. Let us know if you have any recommendations or requests.

If you believe your run has been moved to an incorrect (sub)category, or is missing from the leaderboards, please let us know.

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Publié 7 months ago par

Over the past day, nearly every run on the game's leaderboard, excluding category extension, has been retimed according to new/revised timing rules. Many timing rules have remained the same, simply with clarification of when exactly the run starts and stops. No leaderboard placements have been altered as a result of these retimes or timing changes, though the exact time of your runs may have changed. If you have any questions or issues with any of these changes, please let me know.

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Publié 1 year ago par

Hello everyone, we never expected this board to get really popular back when we first started but I´m glad to see how far this leaderboard has gone from there, this game is really fun to speedrun and to watch others speedrun and I like how this community is really fun and not toxic and contentious like I´ve seen in some trash communities. Due to the somwhat large amount of runs that come into this game and the fact that we´re not always available to verify runs in this game we are now looking for two verifiers to help verify this game alongsisde us.

If think you are suitable to be a verifier for this game, then please fill out this Google Form: @Pyrothon, @cmd4fun and I ( @SkittlesCat ) will review your request and decide together to see who will get added as moderators, good luck!

Submissions are locked we are no looking for verifiers.

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Publié 2 years ago par

Category Extensions for this game have now been accepted! If you want to go to speedrun the category extensions, they are attached to the main game!

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Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
Individual Levels update

The 6 sets of Pill Bugs levels have been added to the Levels leaderboard, separated by each page in the level selection screen. Currently, the sections are called "pages," but any naming suggestions that would fit better are appreciated.

Additionally, all level categories now have their own subcate

4 months ago
Derniers fils de discussion
Publié 3 years ago
1 réponse