The co-op baby leaderboard column.
8 years ago

It's either an accepted part of the category itself or it's not, there's no prestige in abstaining from using something that's allowed. If someone personally disagrees with it and don't use it then that's on them.

I think adding any kind of variables is a big mistake, that's something you do for categories themselves. Add a new 'purity' speed-running category or something where no glitches are allowed at all if anything.

Where else would you see this for something competitive? A record is a record, there's no shades of grey here.


I agree. it's meaningless

United States

The new column on the leaderboard is a compromise based on the consensus of 19+ days of discussion, located here:

Since neither of you actually partook in the discussion, it seems odd to complain about it now. If you'd like to continue to discuss it, you should probably use the existing thread instead of creating an entirely new one.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago

That was a discussion about allowing it or not, this is about removing your compromise which isn't a good solution. If I knew this was a discussion I'd have said something sooner. My point still stands, putting an asterisk next to some records defeats the purpose of having categories to begin with.

This is going to look silly and exaggerated but there's a reason leader-boards doesn't look like this:

I came by to check the leader-board after watching the new dea1h vod and the discussion in the recorded chat about how it's less legit began to all make sense. You should remove it before it becomes a thing, or until too many even sees it tbh.

United States

[quote=Firkraag]putting an asterisk next to some records defeats the purpose of having categories to begin with.[/quote]

Are you sure? Consider that many of the most popular speed games in the world have such a column.


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Super Mario World: 11 Exit

Super Mario Galaxy


Kingdom Hearts Final Mix HD



Crash Team Racing

Left 4 Dead 2

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago

Only one that's similar is Antichamber? There's a difference between tracking additional time and having a column for a variant ruleset which changes things as much as the co-op glitch does.

This category has always included most if not all glitches that's been found, thus the column has no place here.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
Isle of Man

Using co-op babies is not a glitch(to either steal a deal or to deal damage). The compromise was made in the discussion thread and it was agreed to by all that were for and against it. I honestly don't see the point of this thread either.


I don't really care about semantics here, but feel free to add another column for the black market glitch and super greed while you're at it. This compromise, and any like it only stands to water down the category. This one in particular will not end well.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
Isle of Man

This was already discussed in the other thread, that's the reason this isn't needed, but I'll explain anyway. Co-op babies introduce a 2nd player mechanic into the game. Replacing greed and bypassing a barrier does not. Those are glitches. This is a 2nd player mechanic that is used for a single player mode. If you can't see the difference there is no point in arguing about it.


I'm not too bothered by it being a thing or not, only that runs which has such a high variance share one leader-board. The advantage is too large for using co-op over not using it. I don't know why anyone thinks it's a good idea to have one set of rules and then also discourage from taking full advantage of it.

Modifié par l'auteur 8 years ago
Isle of Man

If that was the case, then why was BrainTM able to get #1 a bunch of times while not using it? Don't actually answer that. This thread is still pointless as there is already a thread where we talked about it.

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