Im new to this community and have a few questions.
7 years ago
United States

Hey there so My question has to do with the RTA runs such as 1st page and all games. What do we do about the games that technically have no ending.

Minnesota, USA

After you complete 1 loop, that counts as beating the game, and you can start-select out back to the menu and go to the next game.

United States

Ok cool thank you time to practice

Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
New mods, retiming runs, and adding missing VODs


This is a short post for visibility. Two new moderators have been added to the board: zarc0nis and me. We're going to take over all responsibilities for maintaining the Action 52 (NES) leaderboard.

We are currently going through all existing runs and retiming them and adding millisecond pre

1 year ago
Derniers fils de discussion