I think it would kind of funny to have a category with the goal passing out as soon as possible (2 wasp stings or 1 tarantula bite). Perhaps since it’s not actually dying it could be unconscious% or something.
Having meme categories doesn't necessarily make it a meme speedgame. Meme categories can be really good and add variety to a game.
On my 1st blind play through I actually found a Tarantula on my 1st day and I died. If i recorded it I would have the WR ;)
yorunoteiou aiment ceci
Updated timer stop for First Debt
Previously the rule said: "Timer ends on the regaining control of your character after talking to Tom Nook and paying off your first debt."
This was a little ambiguous, as some runs stopped the timer when the final text box cleared:
Others waited until the camera fa
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