how does mod work
3 months ago
United States

if you submit something and ur a mod does another mod have to verify it or can you just do it urself since you are trusted(i think)

Maple_Jokes aiment ceci
Toronto, ON, Canada
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 months ago

You can do it yourself but sometimes other mods don't want this so it all comes down to general consensus

epicgame710 aiment ceci
United States

ok thanks

Maple_Jokes aiment ceci
Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
From now, the iL times will be verified with a frame counter

A frame counter has better precision, and if possible, send the fps of the video in the description of each run to have better accuracy of time

1 month ago
Derniers fils de discussion
Publié 3 months ago
2 réponses
Publié 3 months ago
2 réponses
Publié 3 months ago
2 réponses