Speedrun Rules
11 months ago
Iowa, USA

We came up with what we think will work best for the board right now. We'd like to get runners feedback if you see anything that could be changed. Right now we are looking at using in game time to track the runs. In game time does not include cut scenes, game over screens, or scene selects. It only tracks the time you have control of your character in the level from first frame to stage clear. We decided not to use real time right now because of different load times on console. Because of this we prefer no one quits the run to go back to title screen to continue later. The board will open in a few days (3/17/24) so there is time for discussion and changes.

Slormer et archycoffee aime ceci

Is possible add the characters because the weapons from X is not the samw like lance and the other even ariana have diferent weapon "c" and hard cops characters too

United States

I understand having a variable for Character choice could maybe dilute the boards a bit, but the characters do each feel unique enough to me to where I think it'd be nice to have a board for each one. Not only a gun's main shot but also Overload varies quite a bit between each character, and mobility differs as well. The Hard Corps characters especially have a lot of mobility and a few unique mechanics.

Modifié par l'auteur 11 months ago
Iowa, USA

Overall we are looking to see how many submission we receive for the board and interest in character runs. Something not shown on the pictures above is we require each runner to submit their run and mark which character they used. Then down the line, we can add characters to the category and organize the board to match if there are a lot of submissions worth splitting up. For story mode you are allowed to change characters as you progress, so that board won't have character options. But for Arcade, we are just looking to see how much interest there is to run the game. And then how much interest there is to have the board split up even more by character. We would love to hear everyone's opinion on this.

FunkyWaltDogg, Skinomarsh et 3 autres aime ceci
Super modérateurarchycoffee
He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago
Supprimé par l'auteur
United States

I've a very beginner question: What do people usually use to record runs on Windows PCs?

archycoffee aiment ceci
Iowa, USA

I use OBS, depending on what console or PC you use to run the game. But I think a lot of people use OBS.

He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago

Are controllers with turbo allowed?

Super modérateurarchycoffee
He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago

Turbo is not allowed.

MiloDelMal aiment ceci
He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago

Could that be added to the official rules please? I am asking because it is not specified there.

United States

The Game rules now state that turbo is not allowed.

Modifié par l'auteur 10 months ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Turbo is now or not allowed?

United States

Tubo is not allowed; do not submit runs using turbo. My comment above originally had a typo. I apologize for that :D

Krolm et archycoffee aime ceci