which site staff is going to help me with solving starsmileys mistake?
11 months ago

@Merl_ That is a playground-level insult at best and heavily ironic considering that's coming from the same person who literally made a second thread of this BS.

Edited by the author 11 months ago
Zanum likes this
United States

I’m tired

Zanum likes this
United Kingdom

God i just want to let you ramble on but you making these accusations of me is to much, i dont want to let people get away with cheating, i also don't want to burn someone down if im not 100% sure there cheating.

You claim i don't like competition? You had no competition before we came, someone would do something new and you'd use them for free coop world records, myself and Luna included.

I always showed you anything you wanted to know, we never broke any rules by not having a client POV and the game has YEARS of runs with just 1 POV with glitches being preformed with 0 issue.

In a year and a half ive clocked almost as many hours speedrunning as you have in the game overall and have held world records in almost every category across the Main Boards and CE your calling me inexperienced?

In 1 message you've claimed most of the main pillars of payday 2 speedrunning in recent years to be cheaters and again i'm the one who hates competition?

Once upon a time i respected you but it became clear to me long ago that you considered payday 2 speedrunning to be yours and yours alone and everything you've said across both threads has done nothing but prove that.

RealHelmut, Zanum, and Walgrey like this

Lets gooooo the sequel is here.

Zanum likes this

I'd briefly like to chime in to say that I do not appreciate being called a liar and a cheat even if I have only been named indirectly. I suspect I may be speaking for all of the people you have insulted just in these two forum threads, which is like half the PD2 community at this point. Oh and you should probably stop misgendering Luna, she doesn't like that.

I can also not stand by the unsubstantiated and quite frankly outrageous things you have said about previous and current moderators, especially Zombie.

I think you were already told plenty of times to stop doing that, but once again, stop.

Zanum and Walgrey like this

Cheater Pizza you read this? You are no competition! Even Zombie the noob mod knows that now! So you used cheating to have a chance I guess! Really sad Story. And then even get fired by me!

100% sure and you! You self told me that the solo run is no cheat because the cheater told you so! You are not able to think on your own? Thats why I call you a puppet. You already broke rules and started a case by case decision base because you dont know the rules and what was before! You dont know the between to a speedrunner and a mod! I talk about the New 233 glitch and you about years where it wasnt there! And of course you forget fast that I destroyed your fake proofs with Details and you dont know what to say against it. Just trying to come with more fake proofs which get destroyed by my Details knowledge. You dont have it because you never needed it! So you can run this game 10 years but without learning to be a pro mod you will always be a noob mod for the Pro. I didnt say you are not a good speedrunner, you did even very well and also luna! But you are crying too much! You wanted a vote for holdout but you never did one and never wanted to, because it was a lie. Also with the cheat runs, Thats why they stay rejected.

You acting like being hurt by my actions but you betrayed me with a cheater, mod farmer , worst verifier of payday 2! What he said why he get fired? Cant be because being competition! Why you fell so easy for him? His massiv activity it cant be, rek had after 2 months more actions done as new verifier as your cheater in 4 years! So what is it that you hurting me with these lies?

Zanum likes this

A liar and cheater is telling me to stop telling the truth! What is such an opinion worth then? You dont want to be called liar? What other word you prefare with the meaning of liar?

Zanum likes this

are you on payroll?

Zanum and Walgrey like this

ayo another entertaining cs 2 steam arguing discussion thread🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Edited by the author 11 months ago
Zanum likes this

Alright I didn’t want to lock the old thread for fear it would look like censorship - but this one has boiled very quickly down to just insults and arguing.

@nasuper, please consider this a public warning to stop creating threads on this topic - you've explained your part of the story already, any further discussion is just going to devolve into insults and arguing as it has here.

Edited by the author 11 months ago
RealHelmut, Act_ and 8 others like this

@Meta you should do something better than locking a thread cuz he will just keep making another ones

Edited by the author 11 months ago
RealHelmut, zalex and 7 others like this

Oh, i was near sleeping! Meta so you want to say now public to look at the evidence? Then i stop directly here!

Zanum likes this

How to test site staff's patience - a thread.

RealHelmut, adrianus and 7 others like this