Request to be moderator
2 years ago
Somerset, England

You should ask the active moderator, or in that game's forum or Discord

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Gaming_64 likes this
United States

Don’t submit a support hub request. That’s for when every moderator is inactive.

Deux and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
Bretagne, France

Hello, I just started to speedrun Jotun a month ago. However, with the small and very active community of my discord server, we launched a contest to beat the world record, with Shirou the title holder. However, for the event to work well, and for us to see the evolution of our times, and to validate the runs that will be more numerous in the next weeks, we would need to have (additional) active moderators on this game. Some runs have been uploaded more than 10 days ago and are not yet validated. Shirou himself doesn't have time to become moderator so i ask this for myself.

Deux, SigaarCaba, and Shirou359 like this
Arizona, USA

@Maelarion contact the mods of the game, or if they are inactive, submit a request here:

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Deux and Maelarion like this