Hello,i wanted to know how to suggest new categories/games! I wanted to speedrun a game called cart ride around nothing on ROBLOX but i could not find it ,can you please tell me how do i suggest to add it ? also here is the game link: https://www.roblox.com/games/10660791703/cart-ride-around-nothing
Because ROBLOX game requests are handled through the series and not through the site, follow the instructions in this thread https://www.speedrun.com/roblox/thread/1de0g :)
Hey RaggedDan, i wanted to tell you that it doesnt show up for me, so please help.
(it re-directs me to https://www.speedrun.com/series/roblox)
I have also tried to do "speedrun.com/series/roblox/thread/1de0g", "speedrun.com/series/roblox/1de0g", "speedrun.com/thread/1de0g" and "speedrun.com/series/thread/1de0g".
If i am missing out on something, then please reply, thanks!!