how do i make a thread sticky/locked?
hello just wondering how to make a thread sticky or locked. if you have an answer please enlighten me.
In the forums of any game you moderate --> enter the relevant thread --> press the 3 dots icon at the top (near the thread title) --> there you can find all the actions you can do. You can't do all that in forums that you don't moderate, of course.
Edited by the author
You cannot Sticky or Lock posts on forums you don't moderate, but if you moderate the boards,
Go to the post you want to sticky/lock
Click the 3 dots in the side of the threads name panel (don't confuse this with the 3 dots in the bottom text box)
Then you should have the power to choose
Cribley likes this
sorry im a bit late but for me it only says edit post or delete post, what do i do now?