Wanting to Delete a Game, but...
9 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I moderate the NES Remix Series: http://www.speedrun.com/nes_remix

And created/manage the NES Remix 1 and 2 boards. I originally made one for Ultimate way back when I started, but realized that the missions in that game are identical in every way to 1 and 2 as its a collection/port of the games. So rather than make it a separate game, I added a variable in the NES Remix 1 and 2 board so that those who did those missions, just on the 3DS, could show they did and have their times in one spot. So afterward, I had deleted the game.

A little bit ago however, someone remade Ultimate NES Remix and did so poorly. I'm not sure what the main categories are, or even mean. And the ILs are not ILs. He made it so that you add up all the times of every IL and post it there. Additionally, it's creating confusion as I was contacted by someone who only owned Ultimate and he assumed the game was very different because of the games having separate boards, and was requesting ILs in the Forum of Ultimate (I've since contacted him on Twitch and now he submitted times on NES Remix 2).

I left Ultimate NES Remix alone despite it's messy layout/rules since it didn't do any harm, but when I had someone confused because it was around I thought about deleting the game. But I thought I'd make a thread asking what people think or if it's a good idea. It seems weird removing a game since it IS a separate game technically. But with the other two boards having all of its content, the rules a mess, ILs not being ILs, causing confusion, and categories that don't make sense, I'm torn.

Sorry for jumbled mess of a post, just kinda typed as I was thinking.

TheGlitched64 likes this
He/Him, It/Its
9 years ago

imo even if it's a port it should be a separate leaderboard, but if it's badly managed maybe you should take care of that. Especially if you did the Remix 1 & 2 leaderboards.

North Carolina, USA

The case someone made for Ultimate being just a variable is that NES Remix 1 and 2 are their own games, while NES Remix Pack is it's own standalone release that's just the two games put together as one huge game with a bonus minigame. While Ultimate is also that, with a few of the games taken out. So that's four games in the series, when it's really just two games.

But for all of them their ILs are identical. If Ultimate is its own game on Speedrun.com, would I need to make one for NES Remix Pack as well? And how would moderation work? As if you get WR in one of the games, you could potentially submit that one time for 3 of the titles and no one would know if you were faking as you'd submit video in-game, rather than the packaging.

United States

I don't know enough about these games to make a good suggestion.

People with runs should talk and try to reach a consensus on what would ideally be done for now.

If anything the data should be merged instead of deleted (assuming both boards have decent data.) Whether it's merged or kept separate, I don't have an opinion one way of the other without reading more. One thing is, if someone wanted to run "all games", that sounds like it's different for all 4 games, which could be an argument for keeping them separate.

Victoria, Australia

As someone that runs and knows the games (now, as i didn't a couple months ago) I think that the Ultimate board should be scrapped, but it should somehow be made more apparent to new players, that playing the game on the 3DS port is identical to playing that challenge on the Wii U version, and can be notified via the in-board Independent variable. Having multiple boards for what is essentially 2 identical games is odd. Perhaps adding 3DS to the list of platforms might work? It's an odd area. Sorry for rambling, typing as I think.