Twitch Affiliates Program
7 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

Twitch unveiled a new program for streamers not at the threshold to become partnered! It will allow a streamer to become an "affiliate" which gives viewers the ability to use their bit to cheer! Later down the road, they hope to allow subscribers (although only allowing affiliates 1 sub-only emote)

How does everyone feel about this? Anybody else excited?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

I can't wait to see bit cups on nearly every stream. [small][small][small]/s[/small][/small][/small]

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I still don't know why bit cups are a thing.

Lets take up screen space that could be showing the actual content and fill it up with useless crap. ¤slow clap¤

MASH, HowDenKing and 2 others like this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

I don't really mind alerts, even frequent ones (I mod a stream with nearly 5k subscribers). But I get you about people losing sight of why you sub/tip/etc. I've seen people having conversations in donation comments. That's just idiocy.


doesn't matter.

imo people are coming for the gameplay itself, if you're good at the game you play, then probably with super small chance, you start getting more people around you, as it's pretty hard to make people remember you. ... excluding donates, as im pretty sure that if you will setup the donations on the stream that noone barely watches, it won't attract new people, instead, it does negative effect to the new viewer that stumbled upon you channel, where you lpay the game he loved.

if you setup your donates with shitton of other things, then this crap happens:

let's imagine, that you could have splits transparent.

now, let's attempt to recreate typical 3 viewers stream (i forgot chatbox 4Head )

can someone explain how the 2nd one is somewhat good, because it literally makes no sense. that's why people are usually running overlays, to keep the information at one single spot, without running the experience.

"but Meka, why i need overlay, im fast and i want it free" because well... noone wants to work for 3 viewers, and if you want to get a decent overlay you have to do it yourself probably.

Richmond, VA, USA

I think it's incorrect to say people come for gameplay. People come for a variety of reasons, not least of which is for the feeling of group oneness which they otherwise might not feel in real life.

Now I'm with you 100% on the bigger streams getting overwhelmed with alerts making it almost unbearable to watch. As for the 3-viewer stream with donation alerts set up, how annoying could it realistically be, how many donations are possibly triggering in that stream distracting you with its 3 viewers?

All and all I get what you're saying, but the program looks to be a good segue for streamers attempting to convert the passion for video games to a source of income. Also admittedly​ the big streamers are popular because they acknowledge the gracious giving of their community, so we kind of look like a group of haters XD

Richmond, VA, USA

So, let's say that the pop up isn't a 10 second song, just a chime, and the streamer has the notification set to cover his face on cam rather than the game feed. Would that be more tolerable (this thread is completely off topic, but now I'm curious for my streaming purposes Kappa)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
ROMaster2 likes this
He/Him, It/Its
7 years ago

[quote] the streamer has the notification set to cover his face on cam rather than the game feed [/quote] sounds pretty useless to me tbh

Richmond, VA, USA

That's fair. I feel like it gives a more interactive experience to have pop-notifications. Just trying to find the middle ground where they can be there for those who donate/sub etc, and not bee too annoying for those who don't.

ROMaster2 and xDrHellx like this

I'm very excited to start using the Affiliate system, but I absolutely refuse to use an onscreen system like the bit cup. If people are able to donate bits without any form of onscreen notification, then I'll give them the option to do so. Otherwise, I am disabling it on my stream. I don't even use follower/host/donation alerts, as I prefer to just keep an eye on my Streamlabs tab to personally thank people who are generous enough to do those things. This would be no different, and will also apply if I'm able to get a sub button later. By all means sub to show your support and hopefully get a tasty icon/emote in the process, but if you just want to see your name come onscreen with a jingle, you've come to the wrong stream.

EDIT: To clarify a little more about why I'm so opposed to the whole thing, try and step away from the Twitch viewer mindset for just a second and consider what's ACTUALLY going on with a stream that's inundated with alerts. You're someone who's just heard of speedrunning culture, maybe even streaming culture in general, and you want to tune in to see what it's all about. You open a stream, and sure enough, there's someone playing your favourite game! Then within seconds, there's some irrelevant notification covering the screen while some soundbite plays, and a text-to-speech bot reads out a donation message that is extremely likely tailored to be intrusive and obnoxious because lol xd so funny guise.

Even AS an established speedrunning community member, just look at this from a purely archival purpose. Think of how many games have extremely notable/important WR times, and how progressively fewer of those times actually have uninterrupted footage and audio. If you're a streamer who uses all sorts of alerts, are you really going to look back on your WR VODs in a few years' time with affection?? Or are you just going to feel slightly embarrassed that it's hard to even see the game at many points because it's covered with inane bullshit? Can you fucking imagine what it would be like if, say, a national news channel did a story on speedrunning for some reason, and they showed some of your WR footage on national television, complete with alerts that every viewer will just find confusing and annoying?

Massive rant, but GOD I hate this aspect of streaming culture. It always SOUNDS like lots of people like alerts in general, but I honestly believe they're just a vocal minority. I think most people are privately really fucking sick of it.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
MASH, xDrHellx and 3 others like this

It's great that twitch are allowing such a thing finally, I always wanted them to at least allow ad revenue for everyone but this is a start, bits are becoming super popular.

Expect a rough start from people who want to farm bits and use streamlabs to the full, but over time it will sort itself out and people will learn when too much is too much.

TheGreatToddman likes this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Wow, there's some passionate hate for 2 second long alerts. It surprises me a little. No I don't think they utterly ruin VOD's. I've been hosted or followed a few times during PB runs, and it's absolutely fine.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
TheGreatToddman likes this
Richmond, VA, USA

@Drakodan Just for clarification, what I'm referring too is a MAX 2 second ¤ding¤ (or what have you) as an alert lets say. the "thank you" pops up over the webcam. I'm not sure how this can annoy anybody viewing, unless you are gawking at my gorgeous looks Kappa (or you're getting 100 follows per stream, and if you are then I wouldn't change what you're doing) or how it obstructs the content at all. Furthermore, those who followed or donated to "see their name" are now happy! I know it's to each his/her own, but I really want to understand your view on this. PS. I agree 100% if the alert is obstructing the game feed at all, then it is misplaced.

@Diablohead I agree, so long as they don't require the cup to be displayed so affiliates may choose to have it or not, I think it's a great idea.

@EmeraldAly Same here, fact is if I'm grinding a PB run, then the new followers are going to have to wait for a thank you XD

Example of what I mean as far as a layout goes.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
EmeraldAly and ROMaster2 like this
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

For all of you who watch for only the game, nothing else, how dare the stream sully the sacrosanctity of the you prefer streamers who don't use mics? After all, commentary isn't the game. And it lasts for way longer and usually covers the game up way, way more.

TheGreatToddman likes this
He/Him, It/Its
7 years ago

[quote] do you prefer streamers who don't use mics? After all, commentary isn't the game. And it lasts for way longer and usually covers the game up way, way more. [/quote]

Personnaly it depends on who it is for me. Some people just talk non-stop and that's an instant headache for me. Still, it's still better than some random shit appearing on the game, with, usually, REALLY FUCKING LOUD AND ANNOYING SOUND.

Oh also, if people who use mic could stop raising the mic volume to like, 200% compared to the game, that'd actually be good too. Sadly it seems that most people in chat encourage this for some stupid reason.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

damn, ima sinner :D

TheGreatToddman likes this
Ohio, USA

[quote]Oh also, if people who use mic could stop raising the mic volume to like, 200% compared to the game, that'd actually be good too. Sadly it seems that most people in chat encourage this for some stupid reason.[/quote]

Many modern games will get your VOD muted on Twitch and YouTube without this.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

This was posted by someone in a Discord [quote]Just a note for anyone who gets invited to Twitch's "Affiliate Program": Read 2.2 on Live Content Exclusivity and the last paragraph of 4.1 Payment Terms.

Basically you can't publish any of your content off of Twitch for 24 hours after the broadcast concludes and if you don't earn $100 USD in 12 months, the minimum threshold to collect, you'll lose $25 of whatever you've collected and possibly have your Affiliate status revoked. And of course they can modify this agreement at any time. And you'll pay taxes on any money you collect. And you have to pay to collect your money, $5+ USD for someone like me outside of the US.

I only mention this because I was invited, so I'm probably not the only one around here who has or will get one. Not my cup of tea, though.

More info here:[/quote]

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Yup, no YouTube exporting right away, and by the strictest reading of that section, it seems to ban local recordings too. Not sure how enforceable that really is.

TheGreatToddman likes this