A Good Place a Start?
4 years ago
United States

I was wondering a good game to start speedrunning for the ps4 :)

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

No one here knows what kinds of games you like or what kind of run you're going for. And you really don't need to expend any worry or mental energy on this. Just pick a game and go fast. If you don't like that one, pick a different one. Eventually something will click with you.

Quivico, Ivory and 2 others like this
Jönköping, Sweden

Arguably, the only good game released for PS4 was Horizon Zero Dawn.


Streets Of Rage 4 has a lot of characters and six different categories AND individual level leaderboards to.

So there are literally hundreds of categories you can run, ranging from 2 minutes to 1.5 hours, so would suit anyone - assuming you like beat-em-ups/fighting games.


@xenkaroshi Uncharted, The Last of Us Remastered, Spiderman, Bloodborne, Persona 5, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, Gran Turismo?

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

@xenkaroshi Everything quickcuppa said + inFamous: Second Son, Detroit: Become Human, Until Dawn, The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, Undertale


ape escape 2