Can you make an autosplitter without Cheat Engine?
4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Star Wars: Squadrons has Easy Anticheat, which is notoriously unfriendly towards Cheat Engine. Even having it open at the same time as a game with EAC installed is apparently a quick way to get yourself banned from the game.

Cheat Engine is, of course, the primary tool most people use to find the memory addresses necessary to determine when a game is or isn't currently loading, in order to make autosplitters for LiveSplit.

Star Wars: Squadrons' single-player campaign has a lot of loading that needs to be cut out of times, and an autosplitter is by-far the best and most user-friendly way to do it.

So, does anyone know of a way that we can create an autosplitter for this game, to time it without loads, without getting ourselves banned?