Hello, I can't find someone to take over the moderator role
3 years ago

Hello, I am a moderator of Frogatto and Friends, however, I am not in a situation where I can take care of the runs coming in regularly, and most people that are active within the community are a bit too young to moderate a board. (I think you need to be 16+ to have a moderator role.) How do we usually solve this on the site? I'm very absent recently and I haven't been running the game in a half year.


If a moderator is needed for the leaderboard, someone can request to become mod for it.

Pear likes this

Can I just leave the board and never come back? What will happen after the runs don't get verified because no one can be moderator? You clearly haven't read the post properly, did you? :)


Yes, no one is forcing you to moderate a leaderboard. They won't get verified until someone requests to be moderator for said leaderboard. So if the demand rises for such, they have to request to be a mod. No, I read your post properly. :)

Pear likes this

It's bizarre to set an age requirement for moderation. I assume it's a don't ask don't tell kind of policy either way. No one has to know your age online, so if somebody really wants to moderate the board in the future it still won't be an issue.


The only runners who are over 16 in my community is me and another retired runner who isn't very active anyways.


@Komrade Thank you for your response. I don't moderate at all currently and just let the board be for now. However I was just curious what could be done for now.


That's just how it is man. Some leaderboards are just too small and there's not much that can be done.

United States

I would not turn off verification and then leave a board without mods. That sounds like an easy way to promote vandalism to the board. If you’re going to step down, leave all the settings as they are.

MinecraftGaming, JulianTexo and 2 others like this