LiveSplit: real loadless and game time shown at the same time
3 years ago

Hi there. I've devised an AutoSplitter (ASL) script which is able to calculate both the real loadless time and extract the actual in-game timer from the game of my choosing. However is it possible to configure LiveSplit to show both of these times ... at the same time?

As far as I understand, LiveSplit has only two time slots available: one for the Real Time and one for the Game Time. The Real Time slot is always the realest of the real times (i.e. with loads). It's the Game Time slot which is actually responsible for showing the "other" time, like the in-game timer or the real loadless time. Am I right?

What can I possibly do to show the real loadless and in-game times at the same time in the layout? Has anybody achieved that? Is running two instances of LiveSplit the only option?

Less technical question: bonus points for providing an example of leaderboards/categories/games/runs where all three times are actually taken into account (real, real loadless and game times) and/or where one can sort the runs by those times.



In the game "Kaze and the Wild Masks" we have an autosplitter, and some of the runners configure their Livesplit to show both real time and time without loads (which points to "game time" in Livesplit).

Here is my Livesplit layout in this game. You need to have two timer components (whether they are simple or detailed, your choice). Set one of the timers with a timing method of "Game Time", and set the other with "Real Time". Your autosplitter should affect the "game time" component only.

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

[quote=Oreo321]In the game "Kaze and the Wild Masks" we have an autosplitter, and some of the runners configure their Livesplit to show both real time and time without loads (which points to "game time" in Livesplit).[/quote]

Thanks for response. Yeah I know how to setup a real time + one of the real loadless/game time. The problem is that the real loadless and game times occupy both the same "Game Time" slot in LiveSplit so I can't use them at the same time in the same layout.

Oreo321 likes this

@Oreo321 If I undertood the original post correctly, that doesn't exactly work for the OP here, since the two timers you'd get with that method would be:

  1. RTA with loads
  2. RTA without loads

What the OP needs is:

  1. RTA without loads
  2. In-game time

Their ASL script can grab both times, but the "Game Time" timer can only be used for one of them, so currently I believe they have no option to show both at the same time.

EDIT: Got beaten to the punch lol

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Oreo321 and Tomalla like this

I see. I have no idea, then.

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

I've finally resolved the problem. Running two instances of LiveSplit is possible but configuring them (and OBS) is cumbersome.

The solution is to modify LiveSplit components directly. I've set LiveSplit timers to track RTA with loads and RTA without loads by default. Then I've added a standard text component to the layout and let the ASL script access it directly. Obviously this solution is suboptimal and makes LiveSplit use more CPU power (up to 3% more CPU usage on my machine) but it gets the job done.

MrMonsh likes this

[quote=Tomalla]I've set LiveSplit timers to track RTA with loads and RTA without loads by default.[/quote]

I'm glad that you finally got a solution to your problem, but I have to admit I'm a bit confused by what you mentioned here, since I thought you originally intended to have "RTA without loads + In-game time" and not "RTA with loads + RTA without loads". Did I get it wrong the first time?


No, no, no. See ideally I want to have all three of them at the same time - RTA with loads, RTA without loads and in-game time. But RTA without loads and in-game time would occupy the same "time slot" in LiveSplit (as I explained in the original post), hence the problem. So if I somehow managed to get just two of them working together - RTA without loads and in-game time - then getting the third one (plain RTA) would be a no-brainer. That's why I focused on just the two of them.

You can read the solution I've explained above as folows: make LiveSplit show RTA without loads and add the text component which will be controlled directly by the ASL script to show the in-game time. The fact that there would also be the timer showing RTA with loads doesn't really change anything. By that point it's just a nice thing to have.