Damage jump problem in Half-Life.
8 years ago

Hi, i started speedrunning in Half-Life (NGHL) and i have problem with grenade, gauss gun and Vortigaunt boost, jump. At the beginning Of the game at/in Resonance Cascade we can boost to window via Vortigaunt and i can't do that. I try to do grenade jump in chapter "On a rail" and i can't. I try to find something but i don't find anything. Please help. Greetings.


On hl speedrunning discord server? If you can please paste link to this server (or name/ip).

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Ask in the Half Life forums on here. They probably have the discord server link there or one of the mods can get it for you.


I try to Ask on Half life discord server (i type in Google Half Life Discord and i click first Discord link) but nobody know about it.


This that i can't do that jumps is i think command. I can do it on Steam HL but in NGHL i think that enabled command disable that grenade, vort, gauss gun jumps. I think that you (kobepilgrim) think that i don't can do it because i don't learn it good. Yes?


Go here http://www.speedrun.com/hl/forum

Ask your question there and ask for a link to a discord server to see if they have one. Unless one of us frequenting the main site forums has experience in HL speedruns, then we won't be able to help you or give you any tips. You need to reach out directly to the other runners/moderators of Half Life to see if they can provide you any help.

Good luck.


Here you are: speedrun.com/hl/thread/x948a/1#1z4xg I will try to copy configs etc. to NGHL and test.


Half-Life forum there is very very slow!

French Southern Territories

Using speedrun.com forums is here the worst way. Join the SourceRuns Discord or post your message on the SourceRuns.org forum, I am pretty sure a execut4ble or a shar will answer you :)


Two days ago I post this on SourceRuns forum. :) Link: https://forums.sourceruns.org/index.php?topic=3042.0

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Hello, i try something in NGHL i think that all is ok but, i saw that that gauss gun jump is not working. I try to play on goldsource package but i don't know some things. In NGHL when i create game with any map, all jumps etc. work but when i try to load game after that, my game is crashing. Do someone have this problem or i have only this?

French Southern Territories

Throughout the millennia, a proverb managed to subsist in the ancient Toltec temples: 'Ask Yalter' Just kidding, ask on the Discord or in the SourceRuns forums, someone might answer you shortly.


Considering this is now the second time we've had to tell you this my patience is running thin, but once again, this is not the place to ask game specific questions as most of us won't know what you're talking about if we don't personally know the game inside and out. I'm sure a lot of us know a few games really well, but none of us knows everything about every game.

So once again, ask in the HL discord or SourceRuns forums like PackScieneces just said. Or reach out to a top runner of the game and ask them as they will either have the answer or they can push you in the right direction.


I asked shar and d0t on YouTube and ill wait for their respond.

French Southern Territories

Why are you asking them on YouTube ? It's like the slowest way to reach someone. Even a DM on Twitch would be faster.


What is DM - ? I can ask them on Twitch. :)

French Southern Territories

DM = Direct message


I think that something with my NGHL is broken and i try to "run" in goldsource package but there is the same problem. I can't do gauss gun jump, i stay at the floor. (demo from NGHL but this is the same thing: http://www16.zippyshare.com/v/8ApuoDqU/file.html )

Edited by the author 8 years ago