How to verify runs
1 year ago
United States

How do you get to be able to verify runs and also some of my runs haven’t been verified for like 4 days so how do I get those verified soon?

He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

[quote= Link64] haven't been verified for like 4 days[/quote] If your runs haven't been verified for four days, then wait. [quote=Link64] How do you get able to verify runs[/quote] You can only be mod if you request a game or mods add you to their team or if the mods are inactive and submit a support hub ticket.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 and Gaming_64 like this

[quote]haven't been verified for like 4 days[/quote] moderators are given 21 days after which you should contact them.

CyanWes likes this

if a game (cryomancer) is pretty dead, will it take longer to verify runs?