The Gift of Something
6 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

What is it you celebrate? What did you get your friends and family this year? What did you ask for? If you celebrate something different could you tell me what it is?

My holiday is Christmas? Chrismas? Chryomas? Seriously I've never been able to memorize how this is spelt. WIth how its pronounced it should clearly be Chrismas right? BUT ITS NOT! I asked for level 99 prayer in oldschool runescape... I never really ask for anything. I kinda just wanna play card games once a year with my family. Where I always cheat.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Zacc and HowDenKing like this
European Union

[quote="chryoyo"]If you celebrate something different could you tell me what it is?[/quote]

I barely celebrate anything, I tend to forget my own birthday from time to time.

xDrHellx likes this

[quote="chryoyo"]WIth how its pronounced it should clearly be Chrismas right? BUT ITS NOT![/quote]

It is supposed to be pronounced "Christmas", but nobody properly enunciates the T.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Ohio, USA

That’s like saying the word “though” should be spelled “tho”

ShikenNuggets likes this
United Kingdom

Really? All the crazy English spellings to criticise and you choose Christmas?

ShikenNuggets and Quivico like this