Fortnite Creative Submission Form
3 years ago
Texas, USA

Since there are quite a few different map submissions for Fortnite, I decided a good way to do it is to open a Google Form, so you guys can submit your ideas for categories there, where I can keep track of it better, rather than in the forum of the Fortnite Speedrunning leaderboards. This is the link to the Form: How the Google Form works:

  1. You submit the Map Name and Code into the first and second option respectively.
  2. You MUST have a video of you fully speedrunning the map you are suggesting. We can't have tons of spam around here.
  3. If there is anything else you want to say about your map, you may do so in the Form, as I added an option that allows you to state anything else you'd like to say about your map.
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New Category!

You can now submit runs for Hyper Run! It's a map made by PWR, a very talented group of creators. There was a contest going on for it earlier this month, but it ended on June 19th. I still wanted to add a leaderboard for this map though as it seems like a fun map to run, and I'm sure there are peopl

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