Is there an easier way to handle Funtime Foxy because I always get scared in Funtime Auditorium. My stragedy is this:
Flash and move, stop, flash and move, stop, flash and move, stop, flash and move
But I don't know if this is the right and the fastest stradegy for it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I based my run off of the top run at the time, and his strategy was to :
- continuously spam flash.
- if foxy isn't there, move for about 6-8 steps, then wait.
- as long as foxy isn't in your flash, you can move 6-8 steps at a time.
if foxy is there, you keep flashing until he moves away.
Indeed; also make sure to flash when Funtime Foxy's arm is sticking out from the left or right sides as it can lead to a jumpscare if you ignore them. This part of Night 3 can be inconsistent, so it's advised to run (Shift+W) 6-7 steps, then flash to see if Funtime Foxy is in view. If so, flash until he's not in your view. If not, run another 6-7 steps. Be sure to listen to the steps as well.