Copied from YouTube description:
I'm not thrilled with how this turned out. This was the third "take" and I still bumbled my way through the latter half. Ugh, whatevs. New game is clicked at the one minute mark, clock strikes six on Night 7 @ 1:03:30, so 1 hour, 2 minutes, thirty seconds is the run time. I was shooting for sub-50 minutes, but stupid mistake leads to anger leads to recklessness leads to more death. Live and learn. As we all know, tomorrow is another day. If someone beats this I'll probably re-do it, otherwise... eh.
As for strategery, I figured that F2-ing to main menu and jumping straight into the next night was always going to be noticeably faster and infinitely more reliable than trying to shave two minuntes off each night with the minigames. Also in the earlier nights make sure to keep moving, even if not needed, or at least stay in a door as opposed to center of room, there were multiple times (in prior attempts) that I seemed to activate Mad Freddy on night one while I was sitting there listening for Bonnie and Chica to take a step, then I heard the Freddle noise go from nothing to full blast only to turn around and see all three Freddles.