6 years ago
United States

Are emulators allowed, like the Desmune 0.9.11 (which is allowed for pokemon)? I don't have a capture card but still like doing runs.


DeSmuME is for NDS games, Fire Emblem Awakening is for 3DS, which afaik does not have accurate emulation as of yet

Maryland, USA

There is a Citra emulator for 3ds, but it isn't too accurate for most games yet and is banned from running this game anyways.

EDIT: EMU/NTR categories have now been created.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Madison, WI, USA

The Citra emulator seems fine for playing Awakening as far as gameplay is concerned (although there is a glaring visual bug on the battle map). Given the difficulty in finding 3DS capture hardware these days, would the mods be open to accepting emulated runs like the boards for Shadow Dragon and Fates do, or at least opening a separate board for them like the Sacred Stones boards?

PetePlaysTheGames and Helix like this
Madison, WI, USA

It's been a couple of weeks; can I get input from a mod on this?

Madison, WI, USA

Can I ask why not?

Ottawa, ON, Canada

we've actually had a bit of discussion in the discord (which I realize isn't actually linked on this page, but it's linked here https://www.speedrun.com/fire_emblem ), we're just trying to figure out a fair ruleset before allowing it, but it seems the majority like the idea of allowing emulators

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Helix and SSK like this
Madison, WI, USA

Sounds good, thank you for the update!

Madison, WI, USA

I actually see there's been an EMU filter added; thank you for taking this into consideration!

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