Simple Guide for beginners
Simple Guide for beginners
Updated 4 years ago by Sm_Izumi

Sup guys this is a little Guide for beginners i hope you like it.


The game unlike other beat 'em ups right now doesn't separate difficulties into other category but playing on Easy allow most of the cast to go faster and have an easier route than Expert specially if you play Dean.

I recommend you to go for the Easy mode.


First of all, you should pick the character that fit your gameplay the most, the one you like, it's obviously the character you'll manage to do the best unlike you want the best times so you go for the fastest.

If you like challenges you can also pick the low tier and prove that he's as good as the rest of the cast with a lot more experience and practice but honestly it's up to you.

My tier list would be :

  • Lucia and Guy
  • Haggar
  • Dean

Haggar a bit under cause of the lack of infinite and slow moves that doesn't always connect.

Dean for obvious reasons is the weakest, on harder difficulties pretty much all his moves are way too slow and got quickly overwhelmed by enemies on screen.


If you go for the fastest route here's what you have to do

  • Clear stage 1

  • In Stage 2 on the second part of the scene outside you have to break the door on the very last screen that make you go in the Bar for a Boss fight

  • In Stage 3 you have to break the Bus stop panel in order to avoid it

  • Clear Stage 4

  • In Stage 5 once you get into the factory there is few things you need to do in order to skip the level, first you have to break the Second door when you enter the place, after killing the guys in this place you'll move forward (MAKE SURE TO NOT STICK ON THE LEFT YOU CAN GO BACK AND CANT ENTER THE DOOR AFTER) Once in the control room your task on these 2 screen is to break the 4 CPU machines on the back ground, make sure you use the enemies right cause if you kill them and miss one single machine the skip won't work. Once these broken you'll proceed forward and the Stage will end.

  • Last stage only have small screen skips that you can perform in the first screen inside the building before the elevator, just enter the doors and come back will despawn the enemies.


Note on Vault :

You can move your character behind the enemy by pressing Attack + Down while grabbing them allowing you to do other movements from behind. It's very useful in the speedrun for replace an enemy on screen or finish them with a more powerful attack.

For the characters i'll just cover the useful moves you can do in the run and their special move (i don't use them often, Dean might be the one that use it the most)


Infinite combo : Run by double tapping forward then start a serie of punches, cancel the 3rd hit by another run which will cancel the last hit that knock down enemies and do the punches series again.

Fire Ball : Down, Forward, Attack. (Useful in order to kill enemies with low HP out of screen)

Super Attack : When you meter is full, Front Grab an enemy and press Forward, Down, Attack. (It does pretty good damages)


Infinite Combo : Same as Guy, does more damage, it's her strongest weapon.

Fire kick : Jump(you can do this on back jumps and front jumps too), while in air do Down, Forward, Attack (Does decent damages, ideal to finish enemies on big strings, apparently Dirk enemies take more damages from it for a reason)

Special Air combo : You can perform the air combo she do in her Super attack by pressing Forward, Down, Forward, Attack (Not a very good attack cause it is not easy to pull off and it doesn't always connect)

Super Attack : Down, Down, Forward, Attack. (Very cool special but like the other move, connect badly with enemies, doesn't do that much damage and the inputs for doing it are not good)


Useful move : Haggar does knock down enemies with his run attack so in order to prevent that you have to cancel it on the first hit and do his Down, Forward, attack to do the best damages.

You can also Punch once then do the Down, Forward, Attack.

Super Attack : When your meter is full you can do a front grab and press Forward, Down, Attack (good super overall)


Electric Shock : Forward, Up, Attack. (this attack is a very good move that can be used between your first punches, and loop some bosses if well timed, unfortunately it's a slow move and enemies around can hit you.)

Super : When your meter is Full Grab Front someone and press, Down, Up, Attack. (Decent move)

Note that Dean get another Back grab move if you press Up + Attack.

And that's pretty much all the info you need in order to start running the game. Final fight 3 is extremely easy and doesn't require a lot of skills in order to achieve a decent run, however, if you want to master it or run it on expert your inputs and timing must be on point and the same for pretty much all random beat 'em ups : Always improvising fast when something random append but this will come with practice.