Infinite punch loop
7 months ago
United Kingdom

Hey All.

I've picked Final Fight as the first game to speed run and I have a question about the timing of the infinite punch loop for bosses.

I keep finding myself throwing them when I turn away, and can't seem to get the timing correct to keep the boss stunned, or to not accidentally combo.

I am going to be running on the Xbox, with Cody for starters if that affects anything.



The best way to learn the shifting is practice with the Boss Eddie E. and start with Guy because is more easy learn the timing of the jab and the direction other way is with the Boss Damnd (if Damnd escape you shifting wait too long and Eddie hit you is the same) and use the cheat invenvibility for more easy training and use save state

Edited by the author 7 months ago
DMThirteen likes this
United Kingdom

Not sure if the capcom collection on Xbox has saved states but it DOES have a rewind function. I can just rewind to the start of the Boss fight and try again.


MSG likes this
Minnesota, USA

if it helps- you can always start the turn away part of the loop earlier than needed and work your way deeper into the combo for more damage. for example try turning after two punches instead of 3, eventually youll find a comfortable timing for it. it isnt tough to do, but at first it may give you a little trouble. thankfully you can practice it on any regular enemy and it will work. Also i should probably mention that if you hold UP while attacking in a combo- you will throw enemies more reliably and be able to throw them from a further range than you normally could otherwise. Enjoy the run! its alot of fun and the improvements are really satisying!

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