Mod Abuse and Censorship
1 year ago
Portland, OR, USA

This is the run that I am showing as rejected

Portland, OR, USA

This run is being reported as rejected for the reason as not reporting a SCM time, and it is a Non SCM run


it says pending? what's your point. thats what dash said

Portland, OR, USA

Frankly Chef having a conversation with you is one of the most unagreeable things one could do on this planet, but here is what my end is showing


lol i literally showed a screen shot of what YOUR link brought me too. if that's unagreeable then you are just uneducated and lack any kind of critical thinking.

Edited by the author 11 months ago

if you have those notifications, that is fair. i only had the link you posted as information. you waited to show that


always convenience for you


Nothing happened, I was taking a first look since the mod that was taking on 100% run submissions is currently not able to and mistook them for SCM runs and rejected them for missing information and asked for a resubmission. I realized very soon though that it's No SCM and revoked the reject, so the state is unchanged, i will check the runs now soon.

Generally about this threat I hope this pointless and unwarranted witch hunt stops now. Ptown, you were given time after time more slack. You've cheated, stretched the rules multiple times, ignored the rules multiple times and every time a mod tries to ask you about information for one of your submissions you're as unsupportive as you could possible be. Other boards would have long banned you from submitting, heaven knows why we didn't so far but you're on thin ice so I suggest you calm down, do your runs and if you want to submit follow the rules like everyone else does.

Ganordan, DylWingo, and cloudyfinal like this
Portland, OR, USA

While I am glad to hear it was wrongly rejected, this is the same playbook that the FF7 moderation team always uses. The issue at hand here is that runs take far to long, usually exceeding the SRC allowed 21 days for verification. These two runs in question are now some 35 an 29 days pending. Instead of addressing why that has always been the case, and how the moderation team will improve it going forward, you threaten to ban my run submissions. This is why nothing ever changes.


lol you are a cheater with the history to show it, you could have been banned awhile ago. how can you be a stickler for SRC rules, when SRC rules say cheating/submitting falsified runs is a bannable offense? you're literally being the biggest hypocrite. he didn't threaten to ban you, he told you facts. so if you want to be a stickler for the SRC rules then you shouldn't be allowed to submit. just cause you twist words to your convenience does not mean it's true

Edited by the author 11 months ago
ptownrock likes this
Portland, OR, USA

Thank you moderation for stepping in. Making sure that runs being verified in a timely manner as a moderator will my top priority for the community and look forward to working with the other mods.

Ganordan and Bratac like this
Portland, OR, USA

Thank you SRC for stepping in to delete that gross post. Also, it needs to be stated that Kingsnaka is one of Zheals own moderators on Twitch.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
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