Submit category for Any% Slots under PSX Digital?
3 years ago
Texas, USA

Is using Slots illegal on PSX Digital or has no one just run it yet? Cause there seems to be no category for it. I don't see any reason why.


It's not illegal, just nobody did it or asked for a leaderboard for it.

EvanGrill likes this
Texas, USA

@ajneb174 Thanks. Only got a PS3 atm, so I plan on running it under this category. Hopefully I'll get a SCPH-90001 sometime later so I can run under PSX Disc category.


whenever you have a run done, ask a mod to add the leaderboard for it.

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Hello PC runners!

We are pleased to introduce a new tool for PC runs intended to better solve the issue of fairness between runners with regards to hardware differences as well as greatly simplify the process of running.

***Download, Install, and Usage guide:

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