Another question
6 years ago
Baltimore, MD, USA

Should I remove the Full-game Leaderboard (currently only used to house old version of maps)? If so, should the runs just be deleted for obscurity or moved to ILs under their own respective old map? Respond with your opinion or I'll make my own judgement.

Lor likes this
Orlando, FL, USA

I think you should remove it and delete the runs, pretty much useless tbh.

FoolYT and Lor like this

I would be agree delete the old Shinking ship runs


(that have been around 2 month old)

Baltimore, MD, USA

Decision has been made. Thank you!

FoolYT and Lor like this
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Velocity Display

Henlo this is your local FE2 speedrunning mod Nolyswag and I'd just like to recommend for people to use velocity display during runs to maximize the odds of your run being verified (it just helps confirm that your run is legit).

Signing out, Nolyswagger the 1st

3 months ago
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