8 years ago
Texas, USA

Agreed. I want to learn this game and feel like videos should be required.

Is there a route or database of any kind?

Friesland, Netherlands

I have toggled on video requirement. I cant help beyond that. If any of these times are suspciously low, let me know and they can still be rejected.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Texas, USA

Honestly, the fastest run WITH video proof should be in 1st. If someone beat my (theoretical) time I would want to see a video.

It would also be nice to not have a time that is 2 hours slower to learn off of..

Are there any resources or documentation of tricks?

Texas, USA

I find that insanely hard to believe how you don't think your run can be beaten. There's no way you optimized the whole thing.

Texas, USA

Yea I was looking in to running this game. I was going to make my own route / document it as well. A write up of tech would be nice.

Texas, USA

I finished the game last night. I will be looking into a route very shortly. I will be timing a lot of different things such as golden path missions (would it be faster to do Sabal's mission or Amita's?).

I haven't really found a fast way to move without vehicles / wingsuit. Focus syringes make you move faster which is very important for missions where you will be on foot for a long time.

Excited to run this.

Texas, USA

So I've routed all of the Prologue, Act I, and a little bit of Act II. I won't release everything until it's complete and formatted (right now it's just a list of instructions poorly worded and organized). Lot's of interesting options in this game. Controlling vehicles at full speed while dodging trees is fun :)

Pitzen please document anything you find. It's hard enough starting from scratch >_>

Anyways, I still believe video should be required for record runs. Removing Ghostscit's run should be motivation enough for him to do / record another...

Texas, USA

It wouldn't be faster as you would have to start over The round.

Texas, USA

"Only 6 minutes" That is a fuck ton of time.

Texas, USA

You keep the invincibility glitch throughout the rest of the game?

I'm locked down with school and work for this week but during the weekend I'll try to finish the route, clean it up, and release it here.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Texas, USA

Sounds like it would waste way too much time to be useful. Is there really a risk of dying if your aim doesn't suck?

Texas, USA

Dying and restarting that glide wouldn't be worth using 6 minutes earlier in the run tbh. I guess if you did want to play it safe you could though.

He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

It doesn't even work on the newest version of the game (which should be required for runs?) so it's a moot point I think.

Anyways, I would like to see the argument for not using in-game time. It might not be perfectly accurate, but real time attack uses fucking load times too which is equally (if not more) stupid and inaccurate. This way you don't have to have a timer running which is just balls.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Not sure what you mean. If i delete the game I can't play it.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Texas, USA

I still haven't finished routing. Looking at finishing it this weekend and possibly doing a run. I might need to do a lot of practice first.

He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Oh yeah I'm on PC, that isn't an option for me.

Texas, USA

Sorry, I'm probably not going to run this game. Here's what I have of the route I made.

Friesland, Netherlands

SlayerOfBabies: I reenabled run verification since video proof is a requirement now and I want to keep an eye on this game's speedrunning activity and maybe find a suitable mod to do the verification if you don't want to.

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