Hardware Makes it Hard to Compete
2 years ago
Merseyside, England

I agree with this greatly, my times are much faster than those on console and some of those on PC as i do my runs using an SSD. It is very unfair as in my run i was awarded 20 seconds every split because of superior loading times. In other categories such as DQ% i had finished my run before the other runner on the leaderboard had even loaded into the race session. IGT times need to be used going forward as RTA timing makes the leaderboard very uncompetitive and adds huge barriers to entry for runners as if they do not have a PC with a fast storage device and happen to already own a copy of F1 2010 before steam removed it from the store then it is impossible for them to compete for WR. I do hope this is reviewed and changed for the future for the sake of this game having a competitive leaderboard.

qwere20006 and
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Super moderatorNovaFugaz
She/Her, It/Its
2 years ago

Hiya. The idea is being considered and I'll be working on retiming with IGT, but that'll mean to add some penalties exclusively to IGT for setups/penalties. I still don't know how to LRT, yet, if I learn how to, I will add LRT and change the ruleset again to reflect that.

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As I'm working (FINALLY) on the rewriting of the ruleset apart from the thread I posted weeks ago, I understood what we spoke at F1's Speedrunning Discord Server. If anyone want to submit a 30%+ run, please contact us prior to submission so we can add the category for your run. This helps with the t

2 years ago
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