Epic Arc
3 years ago
United States

Hello, I see this board isnt very busy but was wanting to know if maybe we could add an epic arc runs. I know they have a cool down but would make it fun to run still.

monofuel and shenef like this
United States

I'm fine with that. What were you thinking for rules? Do we want to make it anything goes except for outside assistance during the run? Aka, 1 account. However, you can setup things before hand.

I think there is also times people just buy the minerals instead of mining them. Is that okay? or for the speedrun, do they have to mine themselves?

United States

I would say one account only but prep all you want. as for the minerals, i would think buying them is ok but im not 100% sure on how many of the missions need items you can buy.

United States

Rules: -Must be run with only one toon, no out side assistance (solo) -No jump clones, has to be the same clone the whole run -Buying of mats are ok -all ship types are ok -Tracking of run starts with the acceptance of first mission and ends on completing of last mission Thats all i can think of for rules as of right now. Let me know what ya think

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Posted 3 years ago
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