All Endings - Multiple Tabs
Updated wshedd
by Open 3 tabs of the game A=1st Tab B=2nd Tab C=3rd Tab
-START TIMER- C: Click on "Cellphone" B: Click on "Drill" A: Click on "File" A: Click on "Cell Door" A: Defeat the goonies A: Select "Chair" A: Go right Switch to C before the judge asks to present evidence C: Click the bag and present as fast as possible A: Select Plunger, you did the sneak ending Switch to B quickly B: select crowbar B: Click "Down" B: Click on the arrow pointing at the wall B: Click as soon as it says "Click", You finished the badbutt ending Switch to C and wait Stop the timer as soon as henry starts chasing the bus you did it!!!!
Recent runs
Level: Badass Ending
Level: Sneaky Ending
Level: Sneaky Ending