want to get into speedrunning but i cant find any information on how to do the elevator quickly because i cant find a list of all combinations. could someone respond with the thread of make a document for resources or guides with all the combinations?
Most Common: -Red Green Blue Blue, -Red Blue Blue Yellow, -Red Green Blue Yellow, -Red Red Blue Blue Other Possible Codes: -Green Blue Blue Yellow, -Red Red Green Blue, -Red Red Blue Yellow, -Red Red Green Yellow, -Red Red Red Green, -Red Red Red Blue, -Red Red Red Yellow, -Red Blue Blue Blue, -Green Blue Blue Blue, -Blue Blue Blue Yellow
The list is also in the speedrunning discord in the "speedrunning-strategies" channel under the "habitable-zone" thread. If you need an invite it is https://discord.com/invite/etb
No Major Glitches rules were updated to include all disallowed glitches instead of all allowed glitches. Hopefully that makes this category less confusing. Also running with TVs in Level 188 Expanded is allowed with these new rules.