Level runs
5 years ago
Florida, USA

I was wondering if you could add more categories. Like a category where you have to complete level 1 or level 2 specifically,so the Yoshi© speedrunning community can have more of a collection to speedrun from.

Minnesota, USA

I imagine that we would see an incredibly optimized B-Type level 1 run that would kill the category straight away. I'd like to see this kind of thing for A-Type though.

terkylol12 les gusta esto
Minnesota, USA

Sorry for late response, just saw thread. I would say if anything were to be added, it should probably be a higher amount, like 10 levels as opposed to 1 or 2, similar to Yoshi's Cookie or Dr. Mario.

Personally, 5 levels seems to be the sweet spot of not too short, but can still get rng to where its now a 10 minute run. The game doesn't get a ton of runs currently, so we don't really have a great sample size to say if more people would run a different or longer category, as opposed to Dr. Mario which has less than 1/2 the runners on the 0-20 board vs the 0-10 board.

I agree with decrazyo that the B-type would be about 3 seconds, since you can clear stage 1 in 2 moves, so there really isn't a point in having a separate category for that.

If more people really want new categories we can continue this discussion.

Florida, USA

I personally believe that level runs should be added. I feel like since it's a shorter run yes it could get perfected fairly quickly which is a downside. However, because of them being shorter more people may be inclined to try them out and use them to get more familiar with the game. I myself am considering running this game at some point and feel like having a level run would be easier to tackle than a full run.

decrazyo y terkylol12 les gusta esto

I think its a good idea :3

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