Questions about death rules
4 years ago

Hi, I have a few questions about 100 phases category since the current rules don't seem to cover them. I know death is most undesirable in an optimized run, but I'm asking anyway just in case.

  1. Is it allowed to continue from last phase after a game over?
  2. When Mario dies, is it allowed to press select and immediately restart the phase to skip death animation?
  3. When Mario loses the golden hammer, is it allowed to press select and start from an earlier phase to regain it?

(Also I'm using FCEUX 2.2.3. Please tell me if there's more acceptable emulator.)

California, USA
  1. Continuing from a phase you game over in is fine
  2. Yes it is allowed, simply a faster restart
  3. I don't see why not, you lose time but still use an in game mechanic available to you to restart.

Sorry for the late response, honestly never saw or even got a notification for it.

Alaska, USA

Let's say you are in a level where you can get stuck no enemy to hit you so you have to wait for a fireball to spawn and hope it doesnt go over your head. That being said, what are the rules around using the select button to restart a level? I get stuck in a spot can I just use select to restart the level? or do I have to wait to Die?

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