Start Over Button?
2 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland


Probably all of speedrunners (even of this game) had a run, which wasn't done at first attempt. When you'll press the + button, you'll pause the game and in the pausing menu is an option like "Start Over". Month ago I asked on the discord group, can I start like this and one of moderators answered "no". Some time ago, I did a little bit of testing and it given me that, normally hitting play is slower than hitting restart for 467ms, so please for checking and testing it, because it's a bit annoying to go to the main menu forever and trying to do a run again. I hope moderators will check and test it and will show their results or something :)

Thanks for your time Amuntendo

Ontario, Canada

Since the timing varies between starting points as you're mentioning, the rules are the way they are for the sake of consistency for all runs.

K-Patch y AmunSR les gusta esto
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