Tech Question
7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

So in the run toofishy posted I noticed he would shine mid air and yhen gain speed super fast. How the fuck do you do this?

Greater London, England

this is a tech called dash-cancelling. if you dash sideways in mid-air and then shine before your dash is complete, you maintain your momentum from the dash for as long as you're in the air.

i hope this helps, and good luck with the game. :)

GnomeSSB les gusta esto
Kentucky, USA

Thanks! I actually woke up this morning and try a few things out and figured it out. this will make my run way faster.

cleverpidgeon les gusta esto
Greater London, England

no problem :D

if you want to be a part of the community, i highly recommend joining the community Discord ( hope you have fun with the game!

Kentucky, USA

I have been a part of it for awhile now actually I have 2nd place in demo any%

cleverpidgeon les gusta esto
Greater London, England

oh >.<

sorry, didn't see you in the Discord and assumed you were new to WaveLand. my b

Kentucky, USA

Nahh all good I just never got around to it. I will though so I can ask to race sometime.

cleverpidgeon les gusta esto
Greater London, England

nice! races will be cool once full-game categories are fleshed out imo

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