RACE MODE IS PREFERRED! With Race mode, your final time is given to you immediately, and is guaranteed to be accurate. Start your run, start recording video, and get hyped with the countdown!
If you DO play in Race mode, make sure your video includes a good look at the final time that it shows on the scorecard (and/or on your wrist). You might even walk towards it to get a close-up.
If you do NOT play in Race mode, then the time must be calculated manually. The timer starts when you hit the ball on the first hole, and ends when the ball falls into the cup on the last hole (based on the sound effects). THEN SUBTRACT 1 SECOND from that final time. (This way, it will line up with the Race mode timer.)
Stroking out is not allowed. It is only a viable strat on a few holes (Hole 18 Tourist Trap), but it is not permitted in runs.
Must be played in a solo lobby - Not in an online private room by yourself.
Runs must have SOUND.
(The timer USED TO start when "Play round" was clicked and ended when the end scorecard appeared after the 18th hole. That has since changed.)
RACE MODE IS PREFERRED! With Race mode, your final time is given to you immediately, and is guaranteed to be accurate. Start your run, start recording video, and get hyped with the countdown!
If you DO play in Race mode, make sure your video includes a good look at the final time that it shows on t