Endcounter Skip and The Paths. (Thanks Magfmur)
Michigan, USA

So Magfmur found this trick, but doesn't quite know how it fully works. I managed to figure it out. What happens is if you open the Menu right before a forced encounter, it actually moves this encounter to a later time in the area. In some cases you'll have to do this more then once in an area.This is what I found out Also keep in mind that this trick will show where for the Demo only for now. This trick might not even be there for the full version.

For Neutral and Pacifist:

1st Encounter: Menu right before the darker floor and again after flipping the Middle Switch. In the next room, Menu before the middle of the 2nd bridge.

2nd Encounter: Menu when you character is halfway past the Vines.

3rd Encounter: The trickiest one for sure. Menu before halfway of the wall or corn to your left. Now due to the room being huge, you can actually push this encounter further back with each menu cancel. I recommend doing a menu cancel every 3-4 steps. That should be just enough to get to the next room.

4th Encounter: Menu right before your face reaches halfway past the end of the 2nd Pillar.

5th Encounter: Menu right before your face reaches the beginning of the vine. Menu again right before reaching the halfway point of the darker floor. In the next room after opening the cave entrance from a distance, Menu instantly.

Genocide: You WANT Encounters so don't use this trick.

Golden Pear: To Be Edited Later.

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