Watching people go for 4:55 in SMB1 has got me curious. I know the record has bad RNG and a mistake in 8-2, but how much time did that lose? And are there any strats known to be humanly viable that haven't been pulled off in runs yet?
Hey mods do you mind adding Snow Drift to this page? I've done some runs and got it accepted a while back. Also if anyone's interested it's a decently fun speedgame with room for improvement. Sub-15 should be possible with better strats and execution, which will be my goal when I eventually get back to it.
Hey, I've been having trouble with a couple spots on the run I'm currently going for due to the variable enemy position. Mostly the parakoopas at the end of 8-2. First, I'm never sure whether to go under or jump over the one right before the big gap until it's too late. Is there an easy tell for that? Also the little pit with the three parakoopas and the bullet bills is giving me a headache. Is there any one movement that will get me by every pattern or do I just have to adapt? This leads me into a few semi-technical questions about enemy spawn patterns and framerules. Like, I know the Hammer Bros. in 8-3 depend on the framerule but
- Are their movements locked when you enter the level?
- Or does the pattern change every time you lose 21 frames before encountering them?
- Or does it change every frame and "depends on the framerule" assumes you don't slow down.
And do the 8-2 parakoopas follow the same rule? Darbian mentioned in his tutorial that the one before the gap does, but what about the ones after?