Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

yknow now that i cant actually do this, im finding it to be a little... well excessively unfair tbh, now you have people raiding your base with silenced launchers etc but you cannot do anything to combat with that lol

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

lmfao and lets just say im able to get this ....... elsewhere >:D am i able to copy over the save data to my current 1.4 game?

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

is there a way to revert to the 1.2 save?

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

Is this glitch still working with the latest set of updates? was trying to show my friend the silenced rocket launcher but for some reason i cant do it, same with changing like the stock on the renov to the m2000 stock or equipping it with a LMG mag etc

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

no i know how to do it but it just isnt working

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

Hey guys, i've found a weird bug or something with PC version. I have completed every GZ op and have gotten A-S on them all and my save data transfer unlocks arent working. Anyone else run into this and have a solution?

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

bre3zeR, in your first video for phantom cig... it shows mission time upon completion at 23mins+ when really it took less than 3 WITH pausing i think thats where people are gathering their concerns.

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

I saw these sitting in Livesplit once then when i went back to read them they were gone. So im curious when the timer starts in the prologue? Is it Shortly after you hit start game, Once the "Prologue Awakening" Title appears, during the first portion of big boss blinking right before the title pops?

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

well yea absolutely agree with you there 100%, but thats why i am asking for suggestions, i love pretty well every game and thats why i am having such a hard time deciding. So i feel if someone can suggest one or many and at LEAST one of those really peak my interest then i can really make a good decision. :)

Québecpaleethelegend9 years ago

Currently looking to start my speedrunning hobby, and im looking for something really fun to start running that i can use keyboard mouse and of course windowed mode (for streaming, and live split purposes). I currently do not have any controllers compatible with PC at the moment and no capture card for streaming the moment :P any advice/input/suggestions is AMAZINGLY appreciated I'm a pretty avid gamer so everything is decently fun to me :)

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