Pohjois-Savo, Finlandlord_hakkis4 years ago

These rules will be in effect on September 4th 2020

When streaming/recording a run you must be able to capture the window to show what emulator is being used. BizHawk is able to display the status bar under window capture, that must be displayed. RetroArch will has specific requirements below. You are able to run without showing the window. You must also state what emulator is being used when submitting your run.

Accepted Emulators: • XEBRA • BizHawk 2.4.1 or newer [Recommended] • mednafen • RetroArch (Beetle/Beetle HW)

BizHawk Setup: Games can only run under the cue format. • PSX > Options • Select either mednafen mode option.

RetroArch Dedicated Rules: You must show settings of the core settings before/after the run. Your settings must match this: • CPU Dynarec: Disabled (Beetle Interpreter) [Default] • Cycles: 128 (Default) • GTE Overclock: Disabled • GPU Overclock: 1x (native) • Skip Bios: Disabled. • Access Method: Synchronous • Loading Speed: 2x (native) • PAL (European) Video Timing Override: OFF Recommended: Keep PGXP Disabled Custom settings are allowed for anything that isn't mentioned such as resolution.

vardemir les gusta esto
Pohjois-Savo, Finlandlord_hakkis6 years ago


I have been wondering, does game time have a last digit which is not completely shown in the corner of the screen.

For example, my entry for Slalom is 0m 30s 170ms but sometimes it looks like in the corner the time is 0m 30s 175ms.

For me it looks like the last digit is always 5 in the corner of the screen. I suggest we don't put that in for speedrun entries :) Just use the time which is shown in the pop-up window when the run ends.

See picture here: https://bit.ly/2tZZPuu

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