Looking forward to your next run with TOP 1.5 or 1.75. :)
Just move up or down when selecting the TOP. Normal size is 1.25x, 1/2 is 1.5x, 1/4 is 1.75x
This cannot be done in the arcade/MVS version
Why not set the TOP to the start or use a smaller 1.5x or 1.75x TOP, since this is AES?
ah, I see, but that infinite is only for blocking no? not very useful for speedrun
You can't really do it while running, it can only be determined via an external tool (e.g. vidtimer.com) after the run is complete.
(edit:) However, you can get still a rough estimate based on the timer at the each of each fight. I'll do the retimed IGT for all runs submitted, so you can just submit a dummy time of 1 hour if you wish.
I propose using a youtube frame timer such as this https://retime.mcbe.wtf/.
Every single round can be measured by start from The frame where the words "GO" disappears until The frame where the camera zooms in on a finishing hit
However, this would involve adding up at least 20 individual splits (3 each for first 6 rounds, 2 for last 2 bosses).
The game has been regularly updated with newer versions with some of them drastically changing the effectiveness of characters. To make things simpler, could there be just 1 extra category of run for patch 1.62 onwards (for runs created on 13 Jan 2022 and later) to make it fairer?
Actually nothing much just didn't want to use andy for all of the matches which would be kinda boring to run
You have to do 236A before otomo raga wakes up to beat her EX counter.