Brazilcatnip1 year ago

Oie poltergaist!! A run foi rejeitada porque só aceitamos runs com o true ending! (Precisa banhar a folha, após pegar o sealed wind). Mas tá mandando bem! :3

Brazilcatnip5 years ago

Are those allowed for Headhunter pack runs?

asking because rules were made before Fight for sanctuary dlc

Brazilcatnip5 years ago

I like the idea of a 100% category that would include both the wonderful 10,000 and two secret stages, while getting the last achievement might be a chore it feels like it'd be way different from Any% I feel like all stages is just like an extended any% since your routing on stages is the same but you need to play two more and 92% also wouldn't be super different from any%

Phiyrebawl les gusta esto
Brazilcatnip5 years ago

I tried but really dislike insane mode so here's what I was thinking of:

Any% pacifist on hard without leaf All the rest on insane. My reasoning for that is that with vitality fragments you'll have enough life to not instantly die. Also since you'll have plenty of money because of exploring it might be enough to buy necklace of sacrifice which would also speed up fights

This makes everything go down to two runs BUT ofc is somewhat hard.

GreenZSaber did a semi-casual run for all achievements in about 3 hours It's quite unoptimized in terms of strats but it's not a bad run

I'd say this should be doable in less than 1h30m but not sure

Brazilcatnip5 years ago

Thank you all for your responses! After talking a bit with other mods we decided that leaving the rule as it is now is for the best, since as stated in this thread, making stricter rules would make it harder for honest people and not really for possible cheaters.

Brazilcatnip5 years ago

This is one thing that makes me kinda worried about it. Forcing people to handcam is absurd IMO, and input viewers (both for keyboard and gamepads) don't really do much for this (since it would still show both input keys being pressed instead of the binded button).

Also I should note that this is NOT about macros (like scripts that could for example chain rolls or something), it's about binding two inputs on the same key. (will edit the main post)

Brazilcatnip5 years ago

After some discussion on discord, it was decided to create a thread here so it would both be more organized but also archived. Two Years ago, the discussion about creating a binding rule because some people were binding two actions to one key (You can read it here: ). At the time, it was decided to add the rule because people believed some stuff (like consistent fast rolljump cancels) were impossible to be achieved by human. We've learned since then that it was not only that those things were possible RTA without bindings but also not as hard as one would expect. At the same time, technology has advanced and macros are super easy to do (and would bypass moderation rule to show game inputs). Some games have rules against multiple bindings (like hat in time) and others even have guides on how to do that and some players setups (like Ori:de). If possible, post in this thread telling us if you're in favor or removing, modifying or just keeping this rule as it is. If you want, explaining why is also encouraged. Thank you all for your time

EDIT: This is about binding two actions to one key, and not macros (ex: timed scripts).

Brazilcatnip6 years ago

Are you adding the load/menu times? btw are we using IGT or still RTA? I'm thinking about using the load remover so I wont need to split manually but at the same time I'm not sure how that would affect RTA splits

EDIT: I also wonder if sub 20 is possible at some point, that would be amazing

Brazilcatnip6 years ago

Since it uses game time and ILs are based on IGT too, shouldnt this be considered the "main" way to time?

Brazilcatnip6 years ago

Maybe related to this, I have this bad habit of holding arrow keys before the stage starts and somehow I start at very weird spots maybe what happens is that you get stuff during the load and there's a "pause" between your movements and the stage fully loading that could reset your position to the initial one?

Brazilcatnip6 years ago

I noticed something like this in both Arcadia (box versioon) and Cafe Internets, sometimes I can't pick the keyboard, sometimes I can. Not really sure. The variance might not be too big but this implies there are routes riskier than others by this rng.

Also when practicing arcadia I got this "bad rng" three times in a row which might mean we could manip somehow or that the seed it set somewhere along with the menu, but I'm not sure

Brazilcatnip6 years ago

Which is faster? How can I play the other one?

Brazilcatnip6 years ago

It's all preference but keyboard can do the ladder trick while controller can't (it's only one trick that doesnt save THAT much time)

Brazilcatnip6 years ago

SPB getting optimized PogChamp

Brazilcatnip6 years ago


SNeaky les gusta esto
hilo: Celeste
Brazilcatnip6 years ago

Any% you beat the game asap All red berries you get 175 all red berries asap All Hearts you beat all 24 hearts asap All Chapters you beat every stage asap 100% you get all red berries and beat every stage All A/B/C-sides you play the side you want to play, asap 114% is a meme

All of those are categories that fall into something like Jumpyluff said, this is basically any% but you get some berries because you feel like it

profnyan, yote, y OddBod les gusta esto
hilo: Celeste
Brazilcatnip6 years ago

"all red berries" and "everything + bad berries"

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