might be fun to have a category for doing all 6 runs / 48 levels in a row
hello! i have some ideas for extra categories to provide more variety in the leaderboards, and also for extra organization.
put the full game categories into the "full game leaderboard" section of the website, and the four levels into the "level leaderboard" section of the website, to make it more organized.
here are some suggestions for full game categories:
- Any%: input buffer of any kind is allowed
- Glitchless: input buffer of any kind is not allowed there could be NG+ categories where the levels could be played in order, but it would not have any effect as it doesn't garner any timesave.
similarly, make Any% and Glitchless categories for each individual level as well.
add the game link on the website next to where the discord link is.
additionally, if possible, i would like to be a moderator for the game, as runs would be verified much quicker, and i could make the following edits to the leaderboard if needed. thank you for reading!
the 100% rules state that all flags should be raised including checkpoints, all buttons should be pressed, and the money bag and wrong way sign should be collected. however, when i was watching through the 100% wr, i noticed that the player missed a checkpoint (the one before the three platforms leading up to the roof). i'm not trying to call anyone out, i was just making sure that the run was valid.
after looking into the game's files, i have figured out where the save files are, including the location where the ghost replays are stored. because of this, i think wr ghosts could be shared for extra verification, or for other runners to race the ghost.
by using shift+uparrow, you can activate turbo mode on scratch which runs code faster. just wondering if it would be allowed on this leaderboard