Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

Can also confirm that the spider boss time save (jumping and shooting to advance in the cutscene) doesn't work, Jason just hits a box and falls before.

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

Was on stream with GVirus just now and we transfered my save using my guide on freshfile% and gold room worked too, so we can get runners started without any input now.

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

And going past even more map stations you'd lose even more time that you can't do anything about.

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

It is possible, he showed me during a demo stream not so long ago, you just have to lock the framerate to ~30. We theorized running off of a HDD vs a SDD would also almost certainly help with that.

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

Switching in the menu is extremely slow and not needed at all. With a small amount of practice, you can go without dying.

Of the ~100 runs I did last week I lost like 5 to deaths that were just not paying attention and ignoring packs. There are already too many categories, we don't really need to add any more.

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

It doesn't work consistently, I got one on the day it came out

If it does exist, it's almost certainly tied to framerate.

EDIT: Just remembered me and Greenalink witnessed someone corner warp from the walker fight to the gold room before he had unlocked it, however he was stuck there.

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

IGT is affected by long transitions or times when the game freezes.

I looked into trying to find the timer offsets for an autosplitter. but my reversing skills are sub-par.

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

Idk what changed but I got this first time now xD I just couldn't get the angle to stick for some reason...

Thanks though! Maybe add this to resources?

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

Ok I found it.

Testing on a dummy account, which I need to complete to test fully, but so far I was able to "reset" the account & restore the save. You have to move your profile at Documents\My Games\Shadow Complex\EmpireGame<user-id> to <user-id>-backup or whatever, then go offline with the flags and bam.

By simply copying the folder back, I got all the tiny amount of progress I made back, but I need to test how it handles gold bar room.

EDIT: I am also able to use this to just straight up copy my main save/profile over to this, so fresh file runs are feasible, as are practice saves.

EDIT 2: Copying the save gives me all the perks except gold room, so that could make practice saves awkward.

Englandaltf4towin9 years ago

I experimented around trying to create a save manager & got my progress reset (in that I lost gold room, but I still had my level). There is a cloud save element, which you can disable with flags according to

So ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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